US stock trading · May 16, 2024 0

US Dept of Commerce to Release Regulations Against CN Connected Cars This Autumn

According to Reuters, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told a US Senate Committee that the Department of Commerce plans to propose regulations against Chinese connected cars this autumn, saying that they pose a national security risk to US people's data and that the Department has decided to take action.

She also said that the thousands of sensors and chips onboard connected cars, controlled by software, can tell where the driver is going, their driving patterns and their in-car conversations, sending large amounts of data about the US population to China.

China's foreign ministry earlier demanded the US to respect the principles of market economy and fair competition, and said the popularity of Chinese cars was not due to so-called unfair practices, but was the result of market competition and technological innovation.

Raimondo said last week that the US might take extreme action or impose restrictions on Chinese connected vehicles.